ColddBox — TryHackMe

Andy Gregg
5 min readApr 3, 2021


This is an easy machine with 2 flags to capture.

I like to start off with a full Nmap scan to see which ports are open.

A detailed Nmap scan is complete on the open ports. In this case, port 80 & port 4512.

We can see that SSH is running on port 4512. We can also see that wordpress is running. The Homepage also reveals this.

I always like to inspect the elements of the page (ctrl+u) to see if there is anything interesting. Nothing interesting here though.

I ran a basic wpscan, but nothing useful shows up.

Using the ‘—enumerate u’ argument will search for usernames. This displays 4 possible users.

I attempt a password attack on the ‘c0ldd’ user.

This reveals a password.

If you find credentials and SSH is running, then its good to attempt to log in. No luck here though.

Logging into Wordpress was successful!

To get a shell, navigate to the plugins page and press ‘Add New’.

Upload plugin.

This is the shell I used:

As you can see, I used port 80. I like to use a port that I know is already open on the target machine.

I zipped the file.

Click on Browse.

‘’ is selected.

Then installed.

I then navigated to the directory and clicked on ‘shell.php’.

The shell works!

Using ‘which python3’ we can see that it is installed, so im going to use a Python3 one-liner to get a reverse shell.

I set up the listener on port 80.

Here is the link for a list of reverse shells, including the Python3 one-liner I used for this machine:

I enter the one-liner.

I get a reverse shell.

I upgraded the shell to allow tab completion and so I can clear the terminal.

I also increased the row size to fit the inputthat I type. I did this using this one line:

The first thing I like to do is check the home directory. Looks like we have ‘c0ldd’ user with user.txt flag.

We dont have permission to view this though.

Since It has Wordpress installed, I always like to check the wp-config.php file in the /var/www/html/wordpress directory.

Sure enough, it reveals the user’s password.

This works!

user.txt is now readable.

Sudo -l reveals some interesting possibilities to PrivEsc.

I used the ftp option and got a root shell.

I usually go to the gtfobins website for SUID or sudo PrivEsc possibilities.

Root flag easily captured.

Machine fully compromised!

Thank you for following this walkthrough and I hope you learned something. :)



Andy Gregg
Andy Gregg

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